Why do emails not get a response?

Not getting a response on emails from prospects is one of the biggest complaints of organisations who are either marketing within their country or reaching out to buyers across the globe. Thousands of emails are sent every day by them without getting a response. This article is focused on how you can get responses from these prospects.Β 

Here are the top five things which you need to do while sending emails:Β 

  1. WIIFM – The first and one of the biggest things that you need to take care of is WIIFM or in other words, β€œwhat is in it for me”. This is what your buyer is going to check first and here is how you can catch their attention with WIIFM.
  2. Address the challenges or complaints your buyers have – Most of the emails which we send are positioned as telling about our product features and not thinking about the person it is going to.Β  It’s only when the prospects see the challenge and relate to it that they will go ahead further without deleting your mail.Β Β 
  3. What Solution you provide to their challenges – Once you have addressed the challenge, next should be your solution, a particular solution which your product provides which could solve that challenge for them. This is very powerful because if the prospect is able to relate their challenges to your solution, the likelihood that they are going to come back to you increases manifolds.Β 
  4. Your USP – Once you have spoken about the challenge and the solution, it is now time to talk about why you are different in providing that solution and how much are you differ from your competitors providing a similar kind of solution. This is your USP, Your unique selling proposition.Β  It should be brief but absolutely clear to your prospect why you are unique.Β 
  5. Product or Feature – It is only after you have spoken the above 4 points, you should mention your product or exact features. Here also I would request to keep it brief.Β  The attention span of the prospects is usually very less.Β 

Once you have spoken about all of the above 5 points in the body of the email, leave them with what next or what is the action they need to take post this email. It could be an offer to do a short call, a demo to be planned,  or visit your website or a specific landing page. Never leave them without an action statement. 

Do this and I am absolutely sure that you are going to get a response from your prospective buyers. 

In case you wish to know more about how to make your emails effective, please reach out to us.

Gagan Kapoor | Marketing Consultant


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